In this episode, we caught up with Robert Leshner, founder of the Compound protocol. Compound is a fascinating smart contract protocol, running atop Ethereum, that allows users to lend and borrow specific ERC-20 tokens with a duration-free interest model. The protocol acts as a central borrower and lender of user tokens and algorithmically prices the interest charged to borrowers and lenders. Compound is one of the first examples of a well-functioning lending market built using smart contracts.

Topics covered in this episode:

Robert's background and how he came to found Compound
The workings of the compound protocol
Statistics of usage of the protocol
Intended plan for governance of the protocol in the future
Business model of the company and the protocol
Comparison of compound to other lending protocols on Ethereum
Outlook and future plans

Episode links:

Compound Website
Compound Protocol Stats
Our plan to create Compound v2
Robert Leshner on Twitter
Robert Leshner on Linkedin
Compound Finance on Twitter


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This episode is hosted by Meher Roy & Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options:

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