DeFi lending protocols operate accordingly to their smart contracts and are perfect examples of ‘Code is law’, even if some recent exploits have not quite abided to this harsh truth. From well established protocols to degenerate DeFi farms with astronomic APYs, they all mainly use liquidity pools. Morpho Labs proposes a peer-to-peer approach that operates on top of another protocol’s liquidity pool (i.e. Aave, Compound), offering better rates for lenders as well as borrowers.

We were joined by Paul Frambot, co-founder and CEO of Morpho Labs, to discuss about the benefits and challenges that arise from a peer-to-peer lender-borrower matching system and what failsafes are in place.

Topics covered in this episode:

Paul’s background and diving into DeFiFounding and funding MorphoThe concept behind MorphoImproving lending & borrowing APYsHow lenders and borrowers are matchedManaging gas fees in a P2P settingSecuring collateral in peer matchesSharing liquidity with Aave and CompoundMorpho token economyManaging liquidationsUser experience & integrationsMorpho’s business modelFuture roadmap

Episode links:

Paul Frambot on TwitterMorpho Labs on TwitterMorpho Labs


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This episode is hosted by Sebastien Couture & Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options:

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