Self-led learning. Family travel blogging. Exploring Romania with kids. These are just a few topics from my second conversation with Alyson Long from the World Travel Family blog.


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Meet the World Travel Family

It's been four years since Alyson and family bought one-way tickets top Malaysia. Since then, they've been making it up as they went along. learning to make money online through blogging on the way. Alyson's husband is a chef by profession, and he's occasionally picked up work in London along the way. He is also fan of Ironman — the race, not the superhero. He competes in them, and now his blog on the topic is starting to earn the family money as well.

The main blogging breadwinner, however, is World Travel Family, which has been giving tips and insight into traveling with kids since 2012. They've fused work and travel into a lifestyle spending lots of time in Romania with kids while they plan their next steps.

Self-led Learning in Romania with Kids

Alyson's two boys have been homeschooling for around five years so far. She's written about it and how it has evolved. "Yes, 'evolved' is the right word," she says, "What worked when they were six doesn't work when they're twelve..."

In the interview, she talks about the many ways they learn from the web and from the world around them. For example, their favorite part of Romania often feels like you've stepped back in time. The kids watch their neighbors grow their own food, make their own cheese, and barter for goods.

It is a life that is very different from their old homes in the UK and Australia. In Romania with kids, they cook over wood fires, and the winters get down to -20ºC. People still use horse-drawn carts, and sometimes, those horses help the cars over the ice, as well.

Specialized Travel Gear for World Travel Family?

Some of my guests recommend very specialized travel gear on the show. For Alyson? Not so much. Marketers do a great job of convincing people they need expensive and highly specialized tools to travel with kids, but she doesn't need them.



02:35 Intro 05:10 Education 11:42 How they make money 14:41 Managing money in Romania and online 16:31 Travel Gear 19:56 Exploring Romania with kids 27:49 What to do and see in Romania 31:11 Resources for kids and adults


Names: Alyson Long, her husband, James and sons D and Boo Hold passports from: UK, Australia Type of travel: Long-term travel & Living abroad A few places they've been: Exploring Romania with kids, traveled in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal and many many other countries


Laptops ("nothing special: an Acer x 3 and a Lenovo") Kindles Microfiber towels


GameDAcademy Payoneer Card Khan Academy Crash Course World History How to use Skyscanner Tailwind Picmonkey Homeschool Group Hug on Facebook Photography course through Open2Study


World Travel FamilyWorld Travel ChefHomeschool Group Hug


Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means, at no extra cost to you,  we might receive a small commission if you make a purchase or book using those links. My opinions are my own and I only recommend places/services that I believe will genuinely help your travel.


Full-on family travel fundamentals. Epic Education Radio is interviews, stories and advice for people who decide to make travel a priority in their family's life...and for those who want to. Tune in each week to hear stories and advice from new traveling families, and hear how they've handled various family travel-related issues like education, socialization, working, budgeting, accommodation, road-parenting, safety, technology and more. We talk gear, websites, apps and other resources for traveling & nomadic families, and answer questions from those who would like to do something similar.