Flying with Children. Living in Perth with kids. Quokka selfies and Icelandic hot dogs! Just a few things covered in this week's episode.


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Flying with Children and Living in Perth with Kids

Meet Amanda Kendle. She's a travel blogger and podcaster. She's also a single parent traveler living in Perth, Australia. Ever been to Perth? It's got a lot going for it, and Amanda talks about what it's like to live in Perth with kids.

She also talks about many of the places that she's traveled — both with her son and before he was born. Amanda lived in Japan for a few years and still has a lot of love for the country (I can relate).

Tricks for Long-Haul Flying with Children

Flying to and from just about anywhere from Perth requires a lot of hours in the air. Even within Australia itself, Perth is fairly isolated, so parents like Amanda have to make flying with children as easy as possible. Here she gives a few of her tips for flying with children.



01:50 Intro 06:11 Tips for traveling as a single parent 09:40 Gear 13:05 Money 18:00 Learning from travel 23:38 Resources 27:44 Destinations


Names: Amanda Kendle and her son Hold passports from: Australia Type of travel: Long-term & short-term travel A few places they've been: Japan, Slovakia, Ireland, Iceland, and other locations in Europe and Southeast Asia


Packing cubes


Where's Sharon Flashpacker Family Quokka Selfies Icelandic Hot Dogs


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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means, at no extra cost to you,  we might receive a small commission if you make a purchase or book using those links. My opinions are my own and I only recommend places/services that I believe will genuinely help your travel.


Full-on family travel fundamentals. Epic Education Radio is interviews, stories and advice for people who decide to make travel a priority in their family's life...and for those who want to. Tune in each week to hear stories and advice from new traveling families, and hear how they've handled various family travel-related issues like education, socialization, working, budgeting, accommodation, road-parenting, safety, technology and more. We talk gear, websites, apps and other resources for traveling & nomadic families, and answer questions from those who would like to do something similar.