For today’s episode, we highlight an interview I did on the After Dark Podcast with Lee Rowley last year. 

“When you travel somewhere for a vacation, are you the typical tourist with a camera?

When was the last time you travelled to a destination and decided to NOT be a typical tourist?

Imagine taking a break, stepping outside and drawing in a deep breath of sulfur gas and smoke. And doing so hiking about 12 miles up and 12 miles down a steep mountain twice a day.

After Joel’s last trip, to Indonesia, he had an epiphany of sorts. He was so struck by the people and the culture around him that he determined he would never again take his “normal” life for granted, nor could he ever ignore the culture of the people where he was visiting.

After watching men work for meager wages at jobs that robbed their health (yet these same men were happy as clams) he had to learn more and understand why.

Jump into this experience with Joel to learn and understand yourself who these people were, where Joel discovered these people, and what their lives are like… and more so, what THEY are like. Your own life’s problems will seem insignificant. Why? You’ll see in the next few minutes.

Joel’s take-a-way is… welp… listen to this podcast and learn. I assure you, you have never heard of anything like the people and lives described here. And then ask yourself, what’s your take-a-way?

Located in and … Live from Singapore!”

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Key Takeaways:

“Traveling Experiences”

- Met people in Croatia that are like family now;

- Traveled to sulfur mines in Indonesia and saw how the sulfur miners work. Was about a 12 mile (and steep) hike to the top of a crater and then down to the mines.

- Dangerous and hard hike that the miners do every night while dark. Did not realize the hard life lived by these miners.

- They would transport the sulfur from the mines on their shoulders (about 250#), twice a day… 12 miles to the mine to work, 12 miles out, 12 back and 12 out again… then home at night to do it again in a few hours.

- Pay was about $1.00 a day.

- Miners live about 45 years, due to breathing in the sulfuric smoke & gases.

- What struck Joel was how happy these miners are, and friendly, and puts one’s lived and problems in perspective.

- Miners would craft figurines out of sulfur and enjoyed that, handing them out to tourists.

- Was encouraged to try and learn their language and how they live. Learned empathy from this trip to Indonesia to see the sulfur mines.

- When he travels tries not to be the typical tourist, instead tries to immerse himself into the world around him, the culture, the people… tries now to make trips longer to be able to appreciate culture better. Says that is how people should look at travel.

After Dark Podcast:

Lee’s Website: