Nathan Hirsch is a 30 year old entrepreneur that's been scaling businesses since 2009.

Nathan's first business, Portlight, sold over $30 million in sales through Amazon. Nathan then co-founded with an initial $5,000 investment in 2015, scaled it to $12M per year in revenue, and it was acquired in 2019.

Today, Nathan is a co-founder of OutsourceSchool, a company working to educate entrepreneurs on how to effectively hire and scale with virtual assistants through in-depth courses. With all of his businesses, Nathan has hired and scaled with hundreds of virtual assistants and freelancers from all over the world. He shares his roadmap for scaling businesses with virtual assistants through OutsourceSchool.

Nathan has built himself into a social media personality online, he has appeared on over 300+ podcasts, and has spoken to thousands about remote hiring at industry events. He has also been featured on CBS, ABC, NBC, and Entrepreneur.

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Key Takeaways:

Nathan’s entrepreneurial story: Amazon Marketplace, eCommerce operations, drop-shipping, FreeeUp and      exit, OutsourceSchool
Recruiting, interviewing, and building a team of outsourced freelancers
Trial and Error and Importance of Speaking to Your Customers
Nathan’s approach of not following the conventional wisdom, trying things out and adapting it to make      it your Own
Delegating tasks off your plate that aren't your expertise or aren't worth your time.
Figuring out what doesn’t work and 3 common tenets of all 3 businesses
Speed in the Marketplace
Understanding when, how and who to delegate to
Gathering Feedback
Not being emotional about your product/service
Figuring out who you like to work with and surround yourself