Dai Manuel quit his career of 17 years, his wife quit her job a month later, published a book, pulled kids out of school and started travelling. They've lived the better part of the last 2.5 years in Bali, Indonesia. He’s also an author and a keynote speaker, former partner and Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar retail company “Fitness Town”, and a lifestyle mentor and executive performance coach.

Dai calls himself a super dad, “dating” his wife, with a lead by example way of living and a contagious personality, and is on a mission to positively impact one million role models around the globe to lead a FUN-ctionally fit life through education, encouragement, and community. A good part of what he does today is helping people with massive transformations in their lives.

Key takeaways:

Change and how it starts with a small shift

Dai’s relationship with fitness, personal image, and self-love

Crutches and how to identify dysfunctional behaviour in your lives

3 takeaways to start your recovery process

Ikigai and long-term lifestyle change

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