Certified Strategic Transformation Coach, homeschooling mom of three, and an entrepreneur, Ilonka has a deep understanding of all the challenges that come with building a business while being a mom.

After feeling like a Zebra in a world where everyone was being taught how to be a horse, she left her high-paying corporate job and started her own business.

After months of feeling stuck on overwhelm street, Ilonka realized that her employee mindset was running the show and that she was creating a time trap she would never be able to escape from unless she started thinking and acting like an entrepreneur.

However, she was also a mom, and "business as usual" wasn't going to cut it. She had to figure out a way to generate an income and make her impact while leaving enough time to raise her family.

Ilonka has spent the last 15 years studying and learning from the best in personal and business development and she has picked up some valuable lessons over the last decade of starting successful businesses (and also having a couple that fell flat on their faces)...the type of lessons you can only learn from getting on the actual bike and peddling your little but off to stay on it.

Her mission is to help service-based mom entrepreneurs work less, live more, and build a business that is in absolute alignment with who they want to be as women.

"The ripple effect that occurs when moms overcome old, limiting beliefs, and make money while doing what they love, is one that I believe will change this world because when we live in alignment, our kids get to experience it too!" - Ilonka

Connect with Ilonka

Web: https://www.ilonkaras.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ilonkarascoaching/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilonkaras

Mompreneur Mastermind

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