Reem Kharbat is a serial entrepreneur, business coach, author, and an award-winning knowledge broker with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. Her top-ranked podcast, The Entrepreneur Accelerator, has featured crucial voices of influence, such as Elena Cardone, Dean Graziosi, and more.Reem comes with over 15 years of experience as a CFO and member of the board of directors for Telecom Group. She has been featured as a guest speaker at summits such as 12 Days of Experts and Mass Movement. She owns three multi-six-figures businesses and has been featured in top media such as Vogue Magazine. Reem is the founder of “TEAL: The Entrepreneur Lab” and is on a mission to help entrepreneurs turn their knowledge into high ticket offers and get their first client in eight weeks using organic marketing. 

A Listen-In Quote: 

“I had to find a way to dream.“

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