In addition to being the Director of Training for Preparedness Pro as well as a personal Self-Reliance Consultant, Kellene Vaile is a professional copywriter and an award winning marketer.  Kellene was the editor-in-chief of Monetary Intelligence Magazine,  a ghost writer for several industry specific magazines on matters of commercial finance, and is  a professional copywriter for marketing of businesses all over the U.S. Her creative marketing campaigns have earned her much notoriety in international marketing circles including acknowledgment as one of the top three marketers in the WORLD as voted by her marketing peers. As such she has frequently been called upon to teach "street smart skills for marketing" for today’s entrepreneurs. Kellene possesses a particularly strong background in international finance and international marketing. She also is a preparedness expert and has been teaching and writing about preparedness matters for over a decade.

A Listen-in Quote:

“It is never, ever hopeless.”

Connect with Kellene:

Kellene’s Facebook page for coaching:’s Facebook page for preparedness: Kellene’s website: