Lesley Thomas is the Founder of The Money Confidence Academy and powerhouse at helping people improve their wealth by how they think. She is joining me today to talk about money, which is something we all have to look after. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- Why people don't talk about money

- How to start improving the way you think and talk about money

- What intention you should have when you talk about money

- How to begin to work through your money issues

Knowledge is always better than the fear that you're carrying. Once you have the knowledge and confidence about money, you can take steps to change how you think and behave around it. 


- The Money Confidence Academy  www.themoneyconfidenceacademy.com

- Connect with Lesley Thomas by email [email protected]  

- Let's Talk Money and More Podcast https://apple.co/3yF0G5G

- Check out our Legendary Podcast Launch Package at www.annapn.co/launch

- My website https://www.annaparkernaples.co.uk

- Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnnaParkerNaplesCoach

- Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples 

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