I'm recording this episode after two days at The Podcast Show in London. In the evening, we were lucky enough to get tickets to see Fearne Cotton's live show of her podcast Happy Place. She was interviewing Sara Cox, who I've grown up listening to. It was more than interesting to watch these very accomplished women have a very frank and open conversation about their own vulnerability.

Today I want to share with you the lightbulb moments that have happened for me as a result of watching and experiencing this intimate live show. I’m inviting you to tune in and think about this as well. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- Why a mismatch between public perception of who you are and what you stand for can be uncomfortable, but will make you more visible

- Why letting people see who you are might be a more effective and a more heartfelt way to make a difference for the listeners

- How to line up your true self and your brand 

- How honest are you in your desire to be available and seen by your potential clients?

Wherever you're at right now, know that it's okay. We're perfect just the way we are. And the word perfect is even unnecessary.


 - Sara Cox On The Process Of Finding Her Own Voice | Fearne Cotton's Happy Place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tm5vtzQfxk 

- Check out our Legendary Podcast Launch Package at www.annapn.co/launch

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- Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples 

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