Do you have a lead magnet for your business that generates good quality leads, that then become proposals, that then become sales? Are you using different lead magnets to entice your audience and keep them warm and nurtured, keep them seeing, understanding and remembering that you are the expert at what you do?

At any given time in my business, we have several lead magnets that are working in different ways. I'm going to share some of those strategies with you today. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- What to do with a lead magnet created a long time ago and not used currently 

- What kind of a call to action you should have at the end of your lead magnet

- How you can use your lead magnet as a free resource on your website

- Where lead magnet can do the most work for you

Without leads your business will not grow. So what are you doing to attract and magnetise potential clients who need your help?


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