Today I want to talk to you about something I'm proud of that we've created and why I feel proud. 

We've just released to the world the very first official project to come out of Expert Audiobooks, which is a branch of my business. This is a book "Become the Real You" by Donna Elliott & Cheryl Lee who got in touch with me because they know about my audiobook experience. 

When you want to elevate your voice, your profile and your message, you want to make sure that you work with people who know what they're doing. Excellent audio quality in an audiobook experience has to be seamless. The amount of energy that you expend is surprising, not just on your throat and your body, but mentally and energetically in order to get yourself inside your own story as an expert author with a unique voice.

If you've just got your expert book in paperback or hardback, it isn't enough. 67% of people who read and consume personal development and business books prefer audio. So if your audiobook isn't there yet or it's done badly, you want to make sure you get it out there and get it done quickly. 

So today is a big celebration of our first project for Expert Audiobooks going live. If you are interested in working with Expert Audiobooks for a premium high-quality experience that's going to leave your listeners wanting more, get in touch!


- 'Become the Real You' by Donna Elliott and Cheryl Lee - Audiobook

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