Today we're talking about the ways that you can streamline your content creation. When you're starting out on your own, or you're starting to hire VAs and freelancers to assist you, communicating exactly what you want and guaranteeing that it's good quality can be an issue. 

I brought in Josh Barney, the founder of We Imagine Media and he shares with us his process of content creation.

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- Why it is very easy for a content creator to water down your messages and miss the key points

- How to avoid falling into the trap of templates and stock images and what it can do to your brand

- How you can tell whether the content you are putting out is of good enough quality

Your social media content is an ongoing conversation and ongoing awareness. You want people to be aware of you for the right thing. If you're struggling with your content, you want to engage people to work with you that are going to be sensitive to your brand requirements.


- Check out We Imagine Media

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