Today I am joined by Gay Hendricks, the author of more than 40 books, including "The Big Leap," which many entrepreneurs consider their go-to book. He has trained thousands of coaches, and hosted seminars around the globe. This time we are talking about Gay's latest book "The Genius Zone." 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

- The biggest questions that any human being has the privilege of asking themselves

- How asking yourself big questions becomes the fuel for your creativity

- What it means to give space to creativity

- What working on breath can reveal to us 

- What blockages people usually have that don't allow flow to happen

- If you are in the zone of excellence, how do you know there's more, and how do you get there?

Establishing a relationship with your natural genius, your true creativity, brings constant self-renewal. It's very important to dedicate and budget time to flourish in your deepest, natural, organic creativity. A great place to start is to be willing to have more of your genius revealed every day, so that you don't get stuck in your zone of excellence.


- The Big Leap, a book by Gay Hendricks

- The Genius Zone, the newest book by a Gay Hendricks

- Podcast with Impact: How to Start & Launch Your Podcast Properly, a book by Ana Parker-Naples