In this episode, Anna Parker-Naples discusses the importance of creating spaciousness and taking time for oneself. She shares her experience of staying in a hotel and using the spa to relax and reflect. Anna also mentions the benefits of journaling and using oracle cards for self-reflection. She highlights the value of taking time away from responsibilities and distractions to reset and show up in a more intentional way. Anna also mentions the importance of friendships, personal and collective purpose, and announces an upcoming business retreat. She concludes by encouraging listeners to create time away for reflection and foster creativity.


Create spaciousness and take time for yourself to nourish and reflect.

Find ways to reset and show up in a more intentional way.

Value the importance of friendships and understand that they may evolve and change over time.

Discover your personal and collective purpose and engage in activities that foster creativity.


00:00 Creating Spaciousness

03:24 Taking Time for Yourself

05:17 Finding Space for Reflection

07:31 Taking Time Away to Plan

09:13 Exploring Friendships

11:09 Discovering Personal and Collective Purpose

12:08 Exciting Business Retreat Announcement

13:06 Embracing TikTok

13:37 Influential Breathwork Certification

14:32 Creating Time Away for Reflection

15:07 Fostering Creativity

15:38 Engaging with TikTok


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Influential Breathwork Coach Certification

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The Starseed Oracle Cards:

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