What's Your Self Story

Swimming for Exercise and Mental Well-being (0:32 - 4:14)

Anna shares her recent experience of fitting in a 20-minute swim at the Leisure Centre pool. She highlights the significance of regular swimming in her routine, emphasizing its positive impact on her mental well-being.Despite initially disliking swimming due to the changing rooms and showers, Anna found it to be a meditative practice that helps her feel better. She acknowledges its positive influence on her outlook.

Self-Care, Mindset, and Visibility in Business (4:14 - 7:21)

Anna introduces the concept of "Jacuzzi Mondays," a weekly gathering with friends after the school run. She explains how this initiative prioritizes social connection and contributes to her mental well-being.Anna discusses her journey of becoming more visible in her industry. She mentions the launch of the Influential Breathwork Coach Certification and her engagement with a PR team to spread the word about breathwork's positive impact on mindset and coping with difficulties.

Personal Branding, Photo Shoots, and Friendship (7:21 - 10:53)

Anna reflects on her evolution from being known as the "podcast queen" to becoming a spiritual entrepreneur. She describes her experience with a photography personal brand club and shares details of a fun photo shoot with her best friend.

Breathwork, Motivation, and Certification Programs (10:53 - 14:26)

Anna talks about completing a refresher course on advanced breathing techniques with her mentor, Patrick Mckeown. She mentions his inspiring research and interview with Mel Robbins.

Self-Story, Business Success, and Personal Growth (14:26 - End)

Anna expresses her passion for Trinny London's makeup range, emphasizing its nurturing and user-friendly qualities.She mentions reading Steven Bartlett's book, "The Diary of a CEO," and discovering a law about business and life success within it.Anna reflects on her self-story and its impact on her life. She recognizes that she has two conflicting narratives that fluctuate depending on her circumstances.She shares her desire to shift her self-story to be more positive and empowering, focusing on sharing her learnings and passionately influencing others during challenging times.Anna encourages listeners to examine their self-story and modify it if necessary to improve their well-being.She concludes by mentioning her positive experiences with fun activities like dance classes and musical theatre groups and their impact on her life.

Resources Mentioned in this episode:

Mel Robbins Interview: Anna recommends Mel Robbins' interview with her 18-year-old son for insights into parenting and confidence-building for young people.Trinny London: Anna is passionate about Trinny London's makeup range and its nurturing qualities.Steven Bartlett's Book: Anna is reading "The Diary of a CEO" by Steven Bartlett, where she found valuable insights on business and life success.Influential Breathwork Coach Certification: Anna discusses her upcoming certification program for breathwork coaching and expertise.Patrick...

What's Your Self Story

Swimming for Exercise and Mental Well-being (0:32 - 4:14)

Anna shares her recent experience of fitting in a 20-minute swim at the Leisure Centre pool. She highlights the significance of regular swimming in her routine, emphasizing its positive impact on her mental well-being.Despite initially disliking swimming due to the changing rooms and showers, Anna found it to be a meditative practice that helps her feel better. She acknowledges its positive influence on her outlook.

Self-Care, Mindset, and Visibility in Business (4:14 - 7:21)

Anna introduces the concept of "Jacuzzi Mondays," a weekly gathering with friends after the school run. She explains how this initiative prioritizes social connection and contributes to her mental well-being.Anna discusses her journey of becoming more visible in her industry. She mentions the launch of the Influential Breathwork Coach Certification and her engagement with a PR team to spread the word about breathwork's positive impact on mindset and coping with difficulties.

Personal Branding, Photo Shoots, and Friendship (7:21 - 10:53)

Anna reflects on her evolution from being known as the "podcast queen" to becoming a spiritual entrepreneur. She describes her experience with a photography personal brand club and shares details of a fun photo shoot with her best friend.

Breathwork, Motivation, and Certification Programs (10:53 - 14:26)

Anna talks about completing a refresher course on advanced breathing techniques with her mentor, Patrick Mckeown. She mentions his inspiring research and interview with Mel Robbins.

Self-Story, Business Success, and Personal Growth (14:26 - End)

Anna expresses her passion for Trinny London's makeup range, emphasizing its nurturing and user-friendly qualities.She mentions reading Steven Bartlett's book, "The Diary of a CEO," and discovering a law about business and life success within it.Anna reflects on her self-story and its impact on her life. She recognizes that she has two conflicting narratives that fluctuate depending on her circumstances.She shares her desire to shift her self-story to be more positive and empowering, focusing on sharing her learnings and passionately influencing others during challenging times.Anna encourages listeners to examine their self-story and modify it if necessary to improve their well-being.She concludes by mentioning her positive experiences with fun activities like dance classes and musical theatre groups and their impact on her life.

Resources Mentioned in this episode:

Mel Robbins Interview: Anna recommends Mel Robbins' interview with her 18-year-old son for insights into parenting and confidence-building for young people.Trinny London: Anna is passionate about Trinny London's makeup range and its nurturing qualities.Steven Bartlett's Book: Anna is reading "The Diary of a CEO" by Steven Bartlett, where she found valuable insights on business and life success.Influential Breathwork Coach Certification: Anna discusses her upcoming certification program for breathwork coaching and expertise.Patrick Mckeown: Anna mentions her mentor, Patrick Mckeown, and his expertise in advanced breathing techniques and research, and his interview with Mel RobbinsPhotography Personal Brand Club: Anna talks about her experience with a personal brand club that organizes photoshoots at various locations.Dance Classes and Musical Theatre Groups: Anna shares the positive impact of these fun activities on her life and well-being.Anna's Book Get Visible


For Anna Parker-Naples

Website: www.annaparkernaples.com

Instagram www.instagram.com/annaparkernaples

Facebook www.facebook.com/annaparkernaples

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/annaparkernaples

TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@annaparkernaples

For Influential Breathwork®️

Website www.influentialbreathwork.com

Certification www.influentialbreathwork.com/influentialbreathworkcoach

Instagram www.instagram.com/influentialbreathwork

For Influential Audio - The Podcast Agency

Website: www.influentialaudio.com

Instagram www.instagram.com/influentialaudio