Podcast Episode Title: "Raw and Stripped Back: My Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery"


- In this episode, Anna shares her personal journey of healing and self-discovery after a period of unexpected challenges and health issues.

**Segment 1: The Disappearance and Health Crisis

- Anna reflects on the sudden hiatus of her podcast and her subsequent health crisis, which led to her disappearance from the podcasting world.

- She discusses the challenges she faced, including a national shortage of HRT medication, immense stress, and the overwhelming combination of personal and business pressures.

- Anna vividly recounts a pivotal moment during a walk when she experienced a severe panic attack, mistaking it for a heart attack.

Segment 2: Navigating Identity and Change

- Anna delves into the identity crisis she faced during her recovery period, struggling to balance her roles as a mother, business owner, and podcasting influencer.

- She highlights the importance of language and mindset in her journey to regain control over her life.

- Anna questions her identity as the "podcast queen" and contemplates what's next for her.

Segment 3: Rediscovering Breathwork and Self-Healing

- Anna shares the transformative impact of breathwork on her life, describing how it became a tool for managing stress and promoting healing.

- She details her training in various breathwork modalities, including EFT, Theta Healing, conscious connected breathwork (CCB), and functional breathing.

- Anna expresses her passion for breathwork and its potential to help others navigate stress, limiting beliefs, and peak performance.

Segment 4: Creating the Breathwork Coach Certification

- Anna announces the creation of a six-month syllabus for a breathwork coach certification program, which combines elements from different breathwork schools with her NLP and hypnosis knowledge.

- She invites listeners to join the waitlist for the program, offering discounts and early access bonuses.

- Anna emphasizes the program's goal of changing lives and supporting coaches in deepening their practice.

Segment 5: The Journey Towards Trust and Self-Discovery

- Anna reflects on her journey of self-discovery through breathwork, rediscovering her sense of identity, intuition, and body awareness.

- She acknowledges her past tendencies to ignore warning signs and the importance of trusting oneself.

- Anna shares her quiet but profound happiness and positivity about her life and future.


- Anna wraps up the episode by emphasizing her intention to keep the podcast raw, intimate, and unpolished for now, focusing on authentic conversations and personal growth.

- She invites listeners to share their thoughts, leave reviews, or connect on social media, highlighting the episode's honest and unedited nature.

Influential Breathwork™️ Coach Certification - www.annapn.co/academywaitlist

Anna's website: www.annaparkernaples.co.uk

Influential Breathwork Wesbite: www.influentialbreathwork.com

Influential Audio - The Podcast Agency www.influentialaudio.com
