The image above shows inVenture’s product in action in Kenya. This episode is part of a podcast series called “Entrepreneurs & Economic Development” talking to entrepreneurs using business and technology to solve problems at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Listen to the interview by clicking play above.         Subscribe with iTunes for iPhone or Stitcher […]

The post How data is changing financial inclusion – inVenture – Ep012 appeared first on Fetterly Consulting.


The image above shows inVenture’s product in action in Kenya.

This episode is part of a podcast series called “Entrepreneurs & Economic Development” talking to entrepreneurs using business and technology to solve problems at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Listen to the interview by clicking play above. 


Subscribe with iTunes for iPhone or Stitcher for Android.

Contest Details: Click here for information on how to enter to win a FREE electronic copy of Ken Bank’s Book. Active until May 6, 2015.

Today’s Guest

Ami Gosalia, Head of Growth at inVenture a financial inclusion company that uses data to create risk profiles among the world’s poorest.

You will learn:

How a background in international development and financial economics led Ami to inVenture
3 Changes in Microfinance Risk Assessment in the last 5 years :

Mobile Money
Relationship/Online Data

The importance of immediate access to capital in Emerging Markets and how inVenture uses 10,000 data points to assess risk in under 3 minutes!
How data and mobile payments could benefit millions of Americans
Tips on working with start-ups and starting a career with a social venture
How education and marketing are intertwined in emerging markets
Ami’s favourite meal when visiting Kenya

Great Quotes

[bctt tweet=”Everyday I get to work on something that can change a #life – @amigosalia”]

[bctt tweet=”The missing #microfinance piece – low cost risk assessment – @inVenture”]

[bctt tweet=”Financial inclusion is not just capital, it’s also #education – @inVenture #SocInv”]

[bctt tweet=”2.5 to 4 Billion people are #un/underbanked – lacking #financial identities – @inVenture”]

[bctt tweet=”#Credit card penetration in #Kenya is 1% – @inVenture”]

Mentioned :

Portfolios of the poor (Book Recommendation)
Blog Post Ami mentioned (“On building something people want“)
SOCAP – San Francisco
Mohammed Yunus
Grameen Bank 
Chris Sacca Article 

Contact Ami or inVenture:

Twitter: @inVenture 
Ami’s Twitter: @amigosalia
inVenture’s Website 

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If you have any questions for Ryan, Ami or recommendations for future interviews please place them in the comments section. 

The post How data is changing financial inclusion – inVenture – Ep012 appeared first on Fetterly Consulting.


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