Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning-in today for a new episode of Entrepreneur Mindset-Reset, the place where entrepreneurs come to learn, feel connected and celebrate our progress.

Today’s guest, Derrick Michaud, talks a lot about the type of mindset it takes to be successful as an entrepreneur. We are so aligned in our approach to business, even though we have very different businesses. I am certain you’re going to enjoy listening, and I suggest you take notes, as Derrick drops so much wisdom and shares so much value.

Before we dive in to today’s episode, I’d like to invite you to share your feedback on Apple or Spotify. Your rating and review help other entrepreneurs like you and me find us, and we all know how isolating it can feel “out here” on the Entrepreneurial Island, so help your friends and colleagues out by sharing, following us on Instagram, and writing a review. 

I also want to remind our listeners who own private medical and integrative practices that we are hosting Roundtable peer learning opportunities where you can join me and an small group of your colleagues and contemporaries in talking about how to overcome the challenges of wearing multiple hats as owner, CEO, AND healthcare and wellness provider. If you are feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, have high staff turnover and a lot of unfinished business and operational tasks, you will want to join our next Roundtable discussion on Time Leadership. In these intimate virtual gatherings, you get to speak openly and confidentially to share ideas, information, and insights, and learn how to upgrade to high-impact, fulfilled CEO of your practice. Get more information about our next free Roundtable Meeting at tracycherpeski.com/medical-practices

Now, let’s get to the juicy stuff! 

Today we’re talking with the thoughtful and wise Derrick Michaud, Founder of Shelby Row Productions and host of Podlogix the Podcast.

As they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” and Derrick’s journey to entrepreneurship came out of necessity and his deep desire to spend more time with his daughter. As a touring musician, family life can be disrupted and it can be challenging to create a sense of normalcy, not to mention steady income. So Derrick made a decision, thought through what he already knew how to do, and after getting clients in the gig economy, learned quickly that maxing-out his own capacity would quickly lead him to burnout while also hitting an upper limit on his income potential. 

You won’t want to miss when he tells the story about how he fired one of his highest-paying clients, and how that built his confidence, cleared his mind and increased his team’s appreciation of his principles and values as a business owner. 

He shares how his engineer coined the phrase “scope creeper” and how they decided as a company to stay in their own zone of genius and learned to be ok with not being all things to all people. 

Derrick’s top 3 tips for success are:

Shift from solo-entrepreneur to a bona fide business if you want to scale. You must think next-level. 
Find your niche and keep narrowing.
TRY IT - just start doing it. If you’re rocking and rolling as a solo-entrepreneur, then hire someone to grow your team and business.

This episode is chock-full of wisdom, and I know you’re about to learn a ton, so grab a beverage or a snack (and something to write with) and settle-in to listen to Derrick and his amazing journey.

Derrick’s Bio:

Derrick is the Founder of Shelby Row Productions and host of Podlogix the Podcast, where we discuss podcasting for creators and producers.

Derrick was a touring musician for over 15 years. Through that time, Derrick constantly needed side hustles to pay the bills. Hosting trivia, driving for Uber, and independent auto appraising are just a few examples of side hustles. Derrick discovered Upwork.com, a job posting platform for entrepreneurs in search of another side hustle. He quickly noticed a demand for podcast audio editing. After relentlessly proposing job openings, Derrick landed his first client in January 2018. This new hustle became priority #1 and grew to the point that in 2019, Derrick decided to open an LLC and scale the up business. He did this by building a team of talented contractors that would upgrade the service offerings outside of audio editing and free up time for Derrick to work ON the company instead of IN the company. The company grew exponentially. After two years of operation, Shelby Row Productions went from a solopreneur operation to a six-figure grossing company that employs 12 contractors and has served for over 100 podcasts to date.

Find Derrick: 

Website: www.shelbyrowproductions.com

Instagram: @srp_podcasting

Podlogix Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1lj56aIhGE7Iz4F11pilAA?si=509b13b730464699

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/c/ShelbyRow


Roundtable Discussions for Private Practice Owners: tracycherpeski.com/medical-practices

Connect with us on Instagram: @entrepreneur_mindset_podcast