Hi everyone! Thanks for tuning-in today for a new episode of Entrepreneur Mindset-Reset. I hope your year is off to a fantastic start, and that you’ve gotten very clear about what you want to achieve this year, and what you’re willing to let go of. If you haven’t listened to episode 38 on time leadership yet, I invite you to check it out so you can get clear about what you really want, and carve your path forward this year. In that episode, you’ll learn the 3 Pillars of Time Leadership, and set yourself free to reach your personal, professional and financial goals in 2022.

Also in the new year, many of us are making resolutions and are excited for a fresh start on all manner of goals. If you are a physician or practitioner in the world of integrative, holistic or regenerative care, check out our free Roundtable for practice owners to learn how to master Time Leadership and take your time back. When our clients start working with us, their number one concern and complaint is time. How to spend it, how it runs out, and how to recapture it so they can use their time to do their most powerful work, which in the case of our clients, is helping their patients find and eradicate the root cause of their health concerns. Go to tracycherpeski.com/medical-practices to learn more and join an upcoming Roundtable Peer Learning Intensive specifically created for integrative and natural medicine practice owners. We look forward to seeing you there.

Before we dive in to this episode, we’re so excited to share that Spotify now has the capacity to rate podcasts. So if Spotify is your listening platform of choice, please do take a moment to leave us a review there. As you may know, your reviews help other entrepreneurs find this incredible free content and interviews with our amazing guests. 

Switching gears a little…one of the common themes in entrepreneurship is adaptability and resilience. If ever there were a prime example of adaptability and resilience, it would definitely be today’s guest, Nate Zeleznick, visionary, entrepreneur and philanthropist. Nate is President and Chairman of Vibravision LLC and MP USA INC.

I am thrilled to share this deep and paradigm-shifting conversation with you. As with pretty much all of our episodes, I encourage you to listen when you’re in a place where you can absorb what you hear, and take notes if possible. If you’re like me and you listen to podcasts while driving or taking long walks, then make a mental note of what you want to write down when you get to a notebook. Nate drops so much wisdom in our time together, and I know you’ll learn a lot from our conversation.

Nate shares the story about how he came to be on a mission to raise humanity’s level of consciousness through the Javanese Royal Martial and Energy Art of Merpati Putih, which had never been taught to non-Indonesian people until about 20 years ago when Nate and his brother Mike were invited to study with masters in Indonesia. I find his explanation of how this breath work technology works to be fascinating, so leave you to listen to our conversation.

Over the last 20 years, Nate has been teaching martial arts and VibraVision to clients from all walks of life, all over the world. Nate shares how they were faced with the reality of being spread too thin by having multiple focuses, and how that stunted their business growth. The pandemic shined high beams on this issue they were kind of ignoring until they had to shut down their dojo for several months, and they found quickly that online martial arts classes wasn’t really aligned with their business goals, and the personal touch was hard for them to translate via Zoom. So he and his brother decided to shift more of their focus to VibraVision immersion events to help more people unlock their potential, learn to meditate and see without their eyes. 

You won’t want to miss when he shares what he’s learned about working hard versus being intentional about making an impact, the impact the “Super Human” documentary had on their business, and how he emphasizes knowing you’re valuable enough to slow down in order to improve your capacity. 

There’s so much to like about this conversation, and I want to let you get to listening. So, grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Nate and his amazing journey.

Nate’s Bio:

Nate Zeleznick is a visionary, entrepreneur and philanthropist. As the President and Chairman of Vibravision LLC and MP USA INC., he is a leader on a mission to raise humanity’s level of consciousness. Nate is the first-ever non-Indonesian allowed to learn the Javanese royal martial and energy art of Merpati Putih, and has been teaching it for over 20 years with his brother Mike.  Together they formed MP USA in 2000, and Vibravision® LLC in 2016 to promote higher states of consciousness through a unique vibration-based breathwork technology, while using it as a vehicle to fund their humanitarian work around the world.  Vibravision® is a true rarity in the world as a reproducible way for people from all walks of life to experience the world in a new multisensory way, without needing any previous experience with meditation, yoga, etc.

Nate speaks publicly around the world and his team teaches classes in America, with the home office located in Ogden, UT.  Vibravision® has been proven to medical and science professionals to be able to train people to “see” without eyesight (including people who are 100% blind), reliably tap into their intuition, connect to their higher being at will, open and strengthen their chakras, health themselves and others, and awaken their dormant superhuman abilities one breath at a time.

Find Nate:

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/vibravision

Website: https://www.vibravision.academy

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Vibravision

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vibravisionusa

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vibravisionusa/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nate-zeleznick-3005a219/

Physician & Practitioner Roundtable Peer Learning Intensive:


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Apple:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/entrepreneur-mindset-reset-with-tracy-cherpeski/id1550000285?i=1000505981206 

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1KCwfTTGIdqWYZ2Mlk1uv1?si=c96fa05629a748e3