In today’s episode, I’m speaking with Sam Heller of ProCFO Partners, a company of 40+ expert financial officers, networked across industries, verticals, specializations and situations. 

Sam tells us the importance of understanding your numbers as a business owner so you know what they mean, the picture they’re presenting, and so you can make decisions that align with your business goals.

Listen closely as he talks about what seem like small details, but can have a big impact, particularly if one detail is askew.

I love talking with numbers people, because many practice owners shy-away from talking about and digging into their numbers, but I promise you that even an hour a week going over and understanding your numbers will be time well-invested. Sam highlighted the difference between day-to-day accounting activities and the strategic role of a CFO, where going below the surface to focus on where you’re making money and where you’re NOT making money, so you and your team can focus on what makes the most sense to make your goals a reality.

Sam’s parting wisdom is:

Make sure you are getting the financial information you need to understand and make strategic decisions to increase profitability. This is paramount.

I know sometimes it can feel overwhelming to wear so many different hats, but hopefully this episode will help shed a light on where you can outsource with high returns. 


Sam is an experienced CFO with the ability to manage an organization’s finances while moving an organization forward in new strategic directions.  He has over 30 years of experience as a CFO and senior finance executive. Most of his experience has been in the provider healthcare field where he became an expert in all areas of healthcare finance, reimbursement, billing, accounts receivable, cash management and investments. Sam’s career spanned 25 years with the Visiting Nurse Service of NY, a large home care and Medicare/Medicaid insurance company.

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Podcast: Create The Next with ProCFO 

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