Happy New Year, and welcome to Episode 87. Tracy is sharing her journey through massive transitions and personal struggles during 2022, and why she’s dancing to shake it out of her system as she leads her company into 2023 and beyond.

Tracy shares that she’s going to share bold, and possibly uncomfortable, opinions, and perhaps you’ll feel heard and seen, and not alone. There’s a lot in store for you on the podcast this coming year, as you’ll hear from more professionals serving the healthcare industry, and in solo episodes, you’ll explore mindset, perspective shifts and how to build your practice around your life rather than trying to squeeze life into and around your practice. 


Episode highlights:

Learning to live with and embrace contrast
The importance of sufficient support
What’s new at Tracy Cherpeski International
What to expect in the coming year on the podcast
Opportunities to work with Tracy and her team

Tracy's Bio:

Tracy is an Executive Coach, Consultant and Leadership Development expert. She helps her clients who struggle with feeling like they have very little control over their time and energy, and who wish to create a healthy, fulfilling path to greater success. She helps her clients exponentially expand their success without flipping their lives upside-down.

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