Welcome to Episode 68. I think of seasons in business as in nature, that things flow, and sometimes we’re in what appears to be a fallow season and other times we’re in rapid growth, blossom and fruiting seasons. 

Today’s guest Purdeep Sangha, shares how growing up on an orchard influenced the mindful way he lives and conducts his business. Purdeep is the founder of Sangha Worldwide, a business advisory services agency, and author of “The Complete Man” book, host of The Male Entrepreneur AND the Mind Shot podcast, and all-around wonderful human. 

Purdeep shares how he felt this entrepreneurial journey was chosen for him, and how he felt led to support men in their quest for success and fulfillment in ALL areas of life. 

I love how much of his upbringing and family experience have influenced Purdeep’s approach to his business and how he mentors men in becoming their complete selves. 

Listen carefully to how Purdeep has woven his holistic mindset to all areas of his business and life. I am particularly fond of the Seik wisdom he embraces, which says that being complete means that you’re growing. 

Purdeep’s parting wisdom is:

Focus on emotions in your work: find your energy and power and harness them
If you can master your emotions, you can transfer them into good work
Turn understanding and mastering your emotions into a game, and experiment with that.

There is so much well-rounded and resonant advice in this interview. I can’t wait to hear what you think. 

So, grab a beverage or a snack and settle-in to listen to Purdeep and his amazing journey.


Purdeep Sangha is widely known as “The Strategist For Businessmen” and teaches men how to become THE COMPLETE MAN. His personal mission is to help men grow their businesses massively, increase their personal fulfillment in life and improve their relationships with their wife and kids. He is the founder behind the movement of men becoming mindful alpha males. Men who experience complete victory and have it all. As an award-winning author, entrepreneur, speaker, podcaster, business advisor, husband and father, Purdeep knows exactly how tough it can be to balance a successful business with a happy family. After studying and working with some of the most successful men around the globe, Purdeep shows men the neuroscience behind becoming limitless.

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