Welcome to Episode 62. Today we’re bringing you another solo with Tracy, but first, a reminder: Black Lives Matter, love is love, women’s rights are human rights, abortion is healthcare, freedom of religion also means freedom from religion, and democratic values must be actively protected and fought for. Make sure you register to vote, and do your part to uphold the democratic process we all claim to love so much. We have a list of resources at the bottom of the show notes if you’re in need of support or healthcare access. 

So, to pivot, or not to pivot. Tracy says she’s waiting for 2020 to come pick up its drunken pivot, and here’s why:

In a world where everything seems to move at warp speed, it’s really easy to get caught up in the fear that something is missing or we need to scrap our initiatives when we don’t see results fast enough for our liking.

Tracy helps you resist the urge to pivot at every slow down or delay, and to employ the 3 C’s (Constant Course Correction) and T.M.A.A. (Test, Measure, Adjust, Allow) - rinse, repeat. 

She uses baking a cake as a metaphor for growing your business. Just like you wouldn’t disrupt the baking process once your cake is in the oven, because you’ve got to trust the process and that you put the right ingredients in, otherwise you run the risk of imploding your cake. 

The same is true with your business. You’ve got to trust that whatever you’re you’re testing (marketing, networking or something operational) has the right ingredients to work its magic, and only after some time does it make sense to make adjustments. 


Test, Measure, Adjust, Allow for at least 2 weeks, up to 2-3 months.
Make one adjustment at a time.
Remember the space shuttles: they’re off-course 97% of the time, but with constant course correction, they make their landing target 94% of the time.

Give your initiatives time and space to develop and grow. You’ll save yourself time, effort and loads of money. 


Tracy L. Cherpeski - MBA, MA, CPSC, is an executive coach and leadership development expert. With a background in operations and a passion for bringing out peoples’ potential for success, she serves her clients with the highest level of professionalism, with a keen eye toward improving operational structures and productivity, and increasing profitability. 

Her coaching, consulting and training programs offer integrated leadership, executive development, and mindset mastery. Tracy has shared her coaching and consulting programs and workshops with small business owners, industry groups, networking organizations, government organizations and corporations. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, Tracy now resides in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 

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Planned Parenthood

Sister Song

Shout Your Abortion

Center for Reproductive Rights

Keep Our Clinics

Abortion Funds in support of local care

Abortion Pills - Women on Web Aid Access

More resources/what you can do now: The Guardian Article How to support abortion access in a post-Roe America