Entheogen artwork


68 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 28 ratings

Entheogen focuses on psychedelics used in therapeutic, medicinal, sacramental, and recreational contexts.

Science Health & Fitness Medicine
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015: Burning Man

October 07, 2015 11:45 - 29.9 MB

On the first anniversary of Entheogen, to kick off Season 2, we decide to discuss the cultural phenomenon of Burning Man, where the show was conceived. Kevin wonders if setting the stage for a more intentional journey – gathering a group, making a circle, and expressing intentions collectively – empowered him to go further this time Kevin shares the itinerary of his (initially) "hard trip" at Burning Man – well into the spiritual realm, dosage-wise – revisiting and redeeming the journey he ...

014: Microdosing

September 21, 2015 12:30 - 29 MB

This is Entheogen. We talk about tools for generating the divine within. It's June 29th, 2015. We're talking about microdosing. James Fadiman http://www.npr.org/2015/06/27/418032035/limericks http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/03/21/james-fadiman/ http://www.themorningnews.org/article/the-heretic http://www.alternet.org/drugs/microdosing-new-low-key-way-use-psychedelics http://www.rawstory.com/2015/06/microdosing-a-new-low-key-way-to-use-psychedelics/ http://pulseradio.net/articles/2015/...

LSD Limerick from Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me

September 11, 2015 02:51

Here's a teaser about our upcoming Microdosing episode: At morning my brain seems too flaccid, too rested, unfocused, too placid. I prefer LSD to coffee or tea. My mind gets more focused with... Hear and read the LSD Limerick at NPR.org

013: Interview with Robert J. Barnhart about his new film, A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin

August 22, 2015 03:37 - 32.2 MB

We are honored to be joined by Robert J. Barnhart, producer of A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin. For historical context, we review the groundwork laid in the 1980's by organizations such as the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and Heffter Research Institute. Robert serves on the Boards of Directors of both organizations. Basic research began as early as the 1940's and continued through the '50's and '60's, until Nixon's Drug Control Act of 1970 when...

Coming soon: Interview with Robert Barnhart, plus a Microdosing Discussion

August 21, 2015 19:42

We just finished recording a great interview with Robert J. Barnhart about his forthcoming film, A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin. Look for the episode to be posted soon! Plus, we have a fun conversation about Microdosing queued up, to be posted shortly thereafter. Stay tuned!

012: Interview with Carl A. P. Ruck, the Man who Coined the Term "Entheogen", on Renegotiating our Covenant with Mother Earth

June 24, 2015 11:32 - 23.3 MB

This is Entheogen: three human beings discussing generating the divine within while still being human beings. In this episode, recorded on June 22, 2015, we are honored to be joined by Dr. Carl Ruck, professor in the Classical Studies department at Boston University. Ruck is credited with coining the term Entheogen to describe neurotropic substances. Ruck explains the importance of the term entheogen as distinct from neurotropic and other terms which may be used in scientific literature (se...

A modern Eleusis

June 23, 2015 00:58

Alienation from nature and the loss of the experience of being part of the living creation is the greatest tragedy of our materialistic era. It is the causative reason for ecological devastation and climate change. Therefore I attribute absolute highest importance to consciousness change. I regard psychedelics as catalyzers for this. They are tools which are guiding our perception toward other deeper areas of our human existence, so that we again become aware of our spiritual essence. Psych...

011: Enduring Personality Changes from Entheogens

May 19, 2015 14:00 - 20.4 MB

This show we are joined by special guest, Ingo, to explore the topic of how psychedelics can change one's personality. Ingo explains how in traditional psychology, one's personality typically doesn't change after the age of 30 years. And yet in his experience, he has grown more as a person since he began using psychedelics than ever before. How does a psychedelic experience change one's personality? In the peak entheogenic experience? During the afterglow? Cumulatively over the years? Ingo...

010: Medicinal Herbs with Mountain Man Dan

April 29, 2015 12:00 - 14.6 MB

Wild Daga a.k.a Lion's Tail: any relationship to Rooibus tea? tastes similar, pairs very well Dan discusses his inspiring journey of self-healing using medicinal plants Kevin wonders about mixing various herbs Blue Lotus: calming, narcotic effect, lucid dreaming, Dan recommends combining with mugroot Tolerance; addictive potential Kana Flower: alertness, focus, faster perception of senses; correlation with the development of human consciousness? Kevin recommends smokeableherbs.com Dan ...

009: Founder Focus – Dr. Stanislav Grof

April 06, 2015 17:00 - 34.4 MB

- Grof began studying LSD in 1956 when Sandoz shipped a big box of LSD-25 ampules, with a mysterious description of the history of its discovery by Albert Hofmann, and offering two suggested avenues of research: first, to induce a experimental state of psychosis in normal people, and secondly as an unconventional educational tool, to induce this state in the therapist to better understand the "psychotic" state. Grof had been feeling dissatisfied with modern psychology and lack of results, cos...

008: The Trip Treatment

March 17, 2015 17:00 - 33.3 MB

- Roland Griffiths, trained as a behaviorist and holding senior appointments in psychiatry and neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University, is one of the nation’s leading drug-addiction researchers. Pollan quoting Griffiths: “There is such a sense of authority that comes out of the primary mystical experience that it can be threatening to existing hierarchical structures. We ended up demonizing these compounds. Can you think of another area of science regarded as so dangerous and taboo that all ...

007: Founder Focus – Dr. Albert Hofmann

February 23, 2015 23:30 - 26.7 MB

An Interview with Albert Hofmann by Michael Horowitz in 1976. Eleusinian Mysteries Psychotomimetic María Sabina Albert Hofmann's Letter to Steve Jobs

006: Interview with Meriana Dinkova: Navigating Altered States

February 07, 2015 15:00 - 35.2 MB

- Meriana's work: preparing and processing - techniques for protection and optimization of a trip - Bruce Lee; superheroes as archetypal guides or guardians to be called upon during altered states - personifying LSD, mushrooms, and ayahuasca - LSD: that's you. That's your shit. Deal with it. (Can cover a lot. Can be cold about it.) - Mushrooms: the little brothers, jokers. This is your shit and this is how it's funny. Lightness. The universe is a cosmic joke. Intelligent. Caring. At highe...

005: A Positive LSD Story – Tangible Benefits of Entheogens

January 23, 2015 04:20 - 28.6 MB

Recorded on January 19th, 2015 - Francis Crick, Nobel Prize-winning father of modern genetics, deduced the double-helix structure of DNA: may have been influenced by LSD. - Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR, a scientific breakthrough that accelerated the sequencing of the human genome: "I found it to be a mind-opening experience. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took. [...] What if I had not taken LSD ever; would I have still invented PCR? I don't know. I doubt it. I ...

004: Bad Trips

January 06, 2015 04:28 - 28.1 MB

The feeling that it is permanent The 3x5 reorientation card: "your name is ___, you live on earth, you took a drug tonight... it will probably end within 24 hours." Haphazard ego death Kevin's tongue-numbing minty multi-dose No one has ever died from it

003: Resident psychedelicists discuss entheogens vs. other paths

December 14, 2014 22:14 - 31 MB

Is the psychedelic experience "real"? Does that question have merit? Is taking entheogens "cheating"? Why do people think so? Is the entheogenic experience comparable to experiences achievable through meditation, yoga, shamanic drumming, etc., or is it substantively different?

002: Psychedelic Research Renaissance, Part 2

October 15, 2014 03:45 - 24.4 MB

Brad, Kevin, and Joe discuss: Dr Robin Carhart-Harris is the first scientist in over 40 years to test LSD on humans - and you're next Stanislav Grof, 1975: "psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology or the telescope is for astronomy”. Professor David Nutt: "I think it's the worst censorship of research since the Catholic Church banned the telescope.” See also: Nutt calls the outlaw of entheogens "the worst case of sc...

001: Psychedelic Research Renaissance, Part 1

September 16, 2014 18:33 - 21.5 MB

- Kevin discusses his first encounter with the word Entheogen - we discuss a recent article in the Daily Beast: Psychedelics Are Ready for a Comeback, featuring an interview with Tom Shroder, author of the new book, Acid Test: LSD, Ecstasy, and the Power to Heal "The whole idea that it was creating a generation of ‘valueless zombies’ or something or that healthy people would go crazy from taking one dose of psychedelics was never justified by the facts. It was never as dangerous as many o...

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