The production of content has never been more complex than it is today. The platforms we use, the methodologies we deploy, and the media we use to reach audiences cause marketers to become amazing specialists of several topics. I coined the term Renaissance Marketer to describe the many functions we require. However, when you start to embrace these new talents you are developing, the pressure to get down compels us to go fast rather than focus on value. To Matt Dion, CEO on Mintent, this is a problem he is passionate about and knows platforms like Mintent can assist in the evolution of the marketing team.

"When people hear "slow down", they panic....We live with this "multitask, go hard, sleep when you're dead"...attitude, so the thought of "slow down" sends shivers down managers' spines." Behind this approach to faster is better, you typically find a management team that believes their work is not the same as the other assets and services the company delivers. It's just marketing, so get it done. However, we know as consumers of great content assets, that the finishing touches and thinking about the whole lifecycle of a piece of content help us answer our questions with better accuracy.

In this episode, Matt Dion and Jeff Julian discuss the topic of marketing workflow and how Mintent can help your team perform better. "The approach is now more, "Why are you producing content? What's the impact? What's the purpose of it? How are you gonna know if it's having the impact that you think it will? How are you going to measure it?"


With a career in technology spanning 23 years, Matt is a consummate thought leader in the areas of content marketing, digital transformation, e-commerce, marketing, and business development. His unique insights on how executives can build digitally-enhanced experiences that unlock new value have been featured in TechCrunch, CMSWire, Huffington Post, Internet Retailer, Get Elastic ecommerce blog, Retail Online Integration, and Chain Store Age.

Matt is also a much sought-after speaker, having presented at Adobe Summit, Enterprise World, Digital Entertainment World, Luxury Interactive, Digital Hollywood, and others.

Social Media Links:

Twitter: @mattdion
Twitter: @getmintent

Favorite Quote:

"When people hear "slow down", they panic....We live with this "multitask, go hard, sleep when you're dead"...attitude, so the thought of "slow down" sends shivers down managers' spines."

"We feel good about ourselves when we're busy. That old saying, 'Don't confuse motion for movement.'"

"It's part of our vision of giving marketers a platform that allows them to be a little more peaceful around the way they do things."

"The approach is now more, "Why are you producing content? What's the impact? What's the purpose of it? How are you gonna know if it's having the impact that you think it will? How are you going to measure it?"

"Let's just slow down a bit. Enough to make sure that what we're doing is the right stuff."