Continuous learning as a part of your career development is not optional. The digital age has required marketers to stay on the top of their craft to be effective.

Networking in your career with other like-minded and encouraging people is also not optional for those who want to stand out. Meeting people that will give you all sorts of new friends and drive your passion to do amazing work.

Local marketing associations, like the BMA, are great ways to exercise both requirements for career and knowledge development. Just last week, Elton hosted a BMA event in Kansas City, where my good friend Carla Johnson spoke on Experiences. I took away so much from Carla and dreamed about ways we could enhance the experience of our community contributors, which will strengthen the experience of the community members. Afterward, Michelle and I hung out with several members and met several new people. The one event was well worth the annual membership fee alone.

On this show, Elton Mayfield and Jeff Julian discuss the agency life, working with marketing associations, and how to grow your knowledge at professional events.
We hope this show will help you think outside the box when it comes to an upcoming marketing effort your team has.

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Team Challenge:
Ask the members of your team the following questions and discuss the results:
•What groups have you attended in your areas for education and networking?
•What were some pros and cons about each of them?
•Ask each person: If you had the ability to attend one conference, what would it be and why?
•How can we be intentional about our group education and ensure we are all on the top of our game?

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