Oh my, staying in isolation is tough! But that didn't stop the crew of Stackd to record the latest news in the full-stack space! From UI (Angular 9 is released!), to JavaFX 14, and Micronaut 1.3, there has been a lot of new things to play with!

Then we follow the crew as we dive into "Developer Happiness" and what does it mean when programming (those pesky null checks and guards are definitively a source of 'unhappiness'). So while practicing social distancing, stay a while listening to our new episode of Stackd!

Recorded Date

13 Mar 2020

COVID-19 Virus Tier Outbreak Dashboard Impact of Coronavirus on companies Google, Facebook, etc. Normalization of remote work Conferences going virtual UI Tier  UI5 Web Components from SAP - 1.0.0-rc.5  Angular 9 Released  PrimeNG LTS 7.1.8 and 8.1.6 LTS Released  JavaFX 14 Released JavaFX Server Side Java


MicroProfile Specification Alignment -- the Pulls have it….  Micronaut 1.3 and Micronaut Data 1.0 GA Released Micronaut Servlet M1 Released  Helidon DB Client  Helidon 2.0 M1  Java Platform On developer happiness Swift guard statement JDK14 Schedule for March 17 Release JDK 14: The new features in Java 14 Pattern Matching Misc Burn up chart vs Burn down chart Agile Release Train Picks  Fantastical for iOS and macOS  OpenJFX Unwrap


Database containers Citrus Framework Events Philly Emerging Tech - Philadelphia, PA - April 14-15, 2020 (now online) NFJS Refactr.tech - Atlanta, GA - August 12-14, 2020   Dev.next - Broomfield, CO - August 11-14, 2020 (rescheduled) CodeOne - Las Vegas, NV - September 21–24, 2020 UI Architecture Conf / Web Accessibility Conf - November 19-20, 2020 (rescheduled)