Another stuffed-to-the-gills episode on Stackd! Where Kito, Josh, Dan and Ian talk about the new happenings on the UI (Tons have been happening), and then an update on the Server side of things (With Dropwizard, Quarkus Final Release, and Jakarta EE 9). So don't miss the new technology drops that are being covered in Stackd. Stay and Listen!

Recorded Date

Jan 31st, 2020

UI Tier  Angular 9.0.0-RC.12 released PrimeVue 1.0.2 Released PrimeNG LTS PrimeFaces 8 RC1 JSF 2.x examples State of JS Top Reasons Why Your Angular App Is Slow Kito’s LitElement talk at RVA.js conference Server Side Java Dropwizard 2.01 released Quarkus 2.2.0Final releases Spec documents cleared Jakarta EE 9 Release Plan Updated Java Platform

      Functional Libraries

Vavr Functional Java Misc RHEL 8 drops Docker support  Micronaut 1.3 R1 Picks  ShadowDraw - iPad app Keychron K2 - 84 key mechanical keyboard  Apache Bench GitPod Events Devnexus  - Atlanta, GA -  Feb 19th-21st, 2020 - Bloomfield, CO - Mar 24-27, 2020 Philly Emerging Tech - April 14-15, 2020 NFJS Madison February 28 - 29, 2020 Minneapolis March 6 - 8, 2020 Boston - March 13 - 15, 2020 St. Louis - April 3 - 4, 2020