Do you ever notice how when your emotions get flooded, you end up finding yourself on the wrong side of regulation? Your relationships, especially those closest bonds, suffer while you put on a happy face for everyone at work and community. When this happens, you need tools, and this mini-podcast is a meditation for each of us when we hit every space on the Enneagram. This episode was created so you could truly find refreshment and a bit of rest with us if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed in the midst of it all. Take a few joyful moments with us so you can rejuvenate without finding yourself in your vices and fixations.
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Pre-order Christa's new book, The Enneagram in Marriage: Your Guide to Thriving Together in Your Unique Pairing here at Amazon now or here at Baker Books (this site offers a 40% off pre-order discount)! Save your receipts for pre-launch bonuses also!!
Head on over to to check out all of our Enneagram & Marriage freebies and resources! Instagram: @enneagramandmarriage | @enneagrammarriagepod Facebook @enneagramandmarriage   Love what you're learning on E + M? We would be honored if you'd leave a review so others can find us too right here at Apple or on Spotify here!  
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 Do you ever notice how when your emotions get flooded, you end up finding yourself on the wrong side of regulation? Your relationships, especially those closest bonds, suffer while you put on a happy face for everyone at work and community. When this happens, you need tools, and this mini-podcast is a meditation for each of us when we hit every space on the Enneagram. This episode was created so you could truly find refreshment and a bit of rest with us if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed in the midst of it all. Take a few joyful moments with us so you can rejuvenate without finding yourself in your vices and fixations.

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Join our launch team here!

Pre-order Christa's new book, The Enneagram in Marriage: Your Guide to Thriving Together in Your Unique Pairing here at Amazon now or here at Baker Books (this site offers a 40% off pre-order discount)! Save your receipts for pre-launch bonuses also!!

Head on over to to check out all of our Enneagram & Marriage freebies and resources! Instagram: @enneagramandmarriage | @enneagrammarriagepod Facebook @enneagramandmarriage   Love what you're learning on E + M? We would be honored if you'd leave a review so others can find us too right here at Apple or on Spotify here!  

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