Happy 2020! I’d like to welcome you to the new year and share a personal story. Despite the ongoing appalling behavior of our president, that intensified in this first week of this new year, I am inspired by the wisdom, dedication and impactful activism of Shaun King. Look up Shaun to discover his impressive platforms: founder of the Action PAC; Flip the Senate; The North Star 2019; host of the podcast “the breakdown with shaun king”, and author of the book Make Change. His Instagram posts alone, educate me, uplift me and motivate me to get involved in tangible ways. I trust his work will inspire you during this important election year.  

I also respect the courageous work of Michael Moore - I have seen every movie he has made, read his book “Here Comes Trouble”, enjoyed his Broadway show, and am now grateful that instead of making a movie this year, he has invested his efforts in creating a podcast called Rumble with Michael Moore. Please listen to his illuminating conversations, in particular, with Daniel Ellsberg, Alex Press, and Anand Giridharadas - each one, articulating many of my inner thoughts, values and longings for this country, each one stretching and enlightening me. So even in the political unrest that Trump continues to ignite, I encourage you to be informed, involved and inspired by these courageous visionary activists!  I know it will help me approach 2020 with a bit more clarity, hope, and confidence.

I also share a personal story about how things don’t always turn out the way I plan, regardless of how great my goal appears to be! I appreciate all the humbling lessons I learn when I let go of my well-intentioned expectations and be open to letting the Universe take me in a different direction.

Enjoy the podcast.
