Instead of a conversation with a guest, today we are offering a unique episode of guided meditations. Andrea Frade, who was my guest in January 2019, episode #54, recorded here in my studio a series of guided meditations for the 7 chakras, also known as energy centers in the body. Andrea graciously provides a short explanation of the elements, colors, locations and symbolism of each chakra, followed by a simple, yet profound experiential meditation that helps one feel tangibly connected to each chakra. So if you are driving, you may want to save this episode for when you are able to sit at home, close your eyes and be fully present.

Each meditation is approximately 6-7 minutes long, so you are welcome to listen to them one at a time or as a full series. Andrea and I wanted to make this accessible to all my listeners; this is our gift to you for your personal practice, may it deepen your embodied wisdom.

If this was helpful to you or you have questions to further your understanding of the chakras, feel free to contact Andrea directly through her website I encourage you to explore all the healing courses, workshops and consultations she offers.

Namaste from Mama A!!