My guest today is Dana Forbes. Professionally Dana is a Gestalt therapist and co- facilitator of Intuition Groups for psychotherapists. Personally I know that Dana practices a soulful therapy that has Spirit at the center of his work. In fact, I think of Dana as a modern day theologian, one who sees God in everything, embodies mysticism, and understands the web of connectedness.

Dana shares highlights of his spiritual journey, from his rich memories of working hard, in the sun, on a boat in Block Island, to being ‘hounded’ by the God of Christianity, to heeding a call to the priesthood, starting a monastery in RI, to rejecting the dogma of Catholicism and leaving the monastery, to struggling to define what it meant to follow his bliss, to eventually becoming a psycho/spiritual therapist.

Dana delights in telling stories of synchronicity, mystery and his wondrous, uncanny encounters with that which is beyond the physical realm. He has felt the profound, palpable presence of God running through his body. His openness and receptivity to that unconditional Love allows Dana to see God in everyone and everything.

Enjoy the podcast!