Mark began his career as a musician, performing and composing throughout California. He taught music in CA and OR public schools before moving to New York about 20 years ago, when he became the director of the music program at Rockland Country Day School. From there he devoted 14 years to teaching music at the Fieldston School in Riverdale, NY before retiring last year. 

Mark isn’t really retired, he simply changed careers, for Mark has enthusiastically thrown himself back into his passion for visual arts, and is now a full time sculptor. Mark is not just creating beautiful metal sculptures, he is developing grassroots collaboratives with other artists and doing the leg work to create a community sculpture walk. 

You may recall that Mark’s wife, pilates instructor Jennifer Attebery, was a guest last month on episode #18. We talked about our shared loved for bocce - a game my husband and I want to  play with Mark and Jennifer well into our 90s!

Mark shares some highlights of his father’s truly inspiring story of finding true love at the ripe old age of 89; a story that made headlines all over the world, via Public Radio’s The Moth. To experience the magic, I encourage you to read “Howard and Cynthia: A Love Story”.
Enjoy the podcast!

Web Site
The Moth
NY Times Bocce Article
Howard and Cynthia: A Love Story