Stephen Carr is a man of faith, lifetime learner, maritime lawyer and avid sailor. He also happens to be my dear father and I am delighted to share my conversation with my dad. The release date of this podcast, April 30th, 2018 is his 88th birthday! Steve is my eldest guest and I marvel at his long, rich life as he shares childhood memories, family history, his 4 years in the seminary and decision to leave, his appreciation of his education, first at St. Michael’s College/ University of Toronto, then at Georgetown University Law School, before landing a job at the law firm of Haight, Gardener, Poor and Haven. Dad embraces his Irish roots, love of the Clancy Brothers and John O’Donohue as well as other writers who stimulate and nourish him: Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr, Ernest Hemingway, Gregory Boyle. After retiring from his law firm, Dad kept up 20 years of legal consultation, volunteered in prisons, and to this day, stays active with walking, biking, sailing and pickleball (and he credits his wife, Vivian for helping him stay young). I’ve always loved how easily my dad cries, he is touched deeply by tender moments in life, and lets the tears flow. I know I may be a bit biased, because he is my Dad, but I think you, too, will enjoy Steve’s thoughtful, funny, sentimental life reflections.