My guest today is Patrick Heffernan. Patrick is a skilled & gifted yoga teacher, actor, dancer and impassioned human. Don’t you love it when someone you love and respect introduces you to someone they love and respect and you immediately understand why they care for each other and feel blessed to join in the love fest! Well that is what I felt when Shawna Emerick introduced Patrick Heffernan into my life. Thank you, Shawna! Celebrating your kindred spirit sibling-hood with Patrick and delighting in the integrity, heart and humor you both infuse into your exceptional yoga classes and into life.

I marvel at how wise someone in their early 30s can be, attributing it to Patrick being an ‘old soul’, but I also know it comes from his devoted study of the ancient wisdom of the Yoga Sutras. I so appreciate Patrick’s gift in seamlessly integrating this ancient, universal, spiritual wisdom grounded in the union of humanity and divinity in an accessible, relevant way.

Check out the show notes for links to Patrick’s website and the monthly program he and Shawna offer “Journey to the Peak”, along with his newly launched, year-long program “Journey to You” and the Yoga Sutra app Patrick referenced in our conversation.  Enjoy the podcast!

IG: @pat_heffnyc
Twitter: @pat_heffnyc
IG: @shawnaemerick
The Yoga Sutras app

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