A couple of days ago, Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. What a tragic loss for our country, for our democracy and the soul of our nation! I am heartbroken and join millions of Americans in honoring her impressive legacy; she was a true American hero, relentlessly fighting for equal justice under the law. RBG championed women’s rights as well as protecting the constitutional rights of every American. Rest in peace RBG. May we stand on your shoulders and do all we can to keep your values, tenacity, and fight for justice alive!

This week I pose the questions:  What sustains your soul as we enter the fall season, with all its challenges? What is the thread that you hold onto through tragedies, hurt, suffering and loss? I share some of my answers to these questions: authenticity, addressing racial injustices, vulnerability, connection to nature, and meditation. Now more than ever, we need to bring consciousness to our inner wisdom, a deeper truth that can ground us and cultivate intentional practices that keep us shored up. May these thoughts invite you to reflect on your own threads that sustain your soul. Enjoy the podcast!