I am happy to announce that my recent guided chakra meditation is now available on my website. Listen here.

As we continue to delve into important layers of racial oppression, white supremacy, racial justice and what it truly means to dismantle racism, I am grateful to have this platform to share some of what I have been processing.

Black people have acknowledged how difficult it is to give honest feedback to a white person about an interchange where they felt hurt, insulted or offended by a racist remark. Black people admit it rarely goes well. In fact when a black person dares to point out hurtful, blatant or implicit biases to a white person, they receive hostile reactions from white people. Dr. Robin DiAngelo asked the black participants of her workshops ‘what would that be like for you to have a white person acknowledge their racist remark, own up to it, apologize for it?’ One black person said to Robin, that would be revolutionary! Imagine that - revolutionary to be heard, acknowledged, received, understood with compassion. Wow! Revolutionary! Well, I want to be a part of that revolution!

Remember racism was created by white people and it is white people, now more than ever, who must awaken, rise up and be pro-active in dismantling racism. I believe this revolutionary response is integral to dismantling racism, one person at a time, one friendship at a time, until all black people are heard, honored and treated with dignity. I want to create and live in a world where BLACK LIVES more than MATTER. I want to create a world where BLACK LIVES are recognized, valued, and celebrated. Help me create a world where BLACK LIVES THRIVE and FLOURISH!!  Enjoy the podcast.

1 Million Truths
"The Fight" (Movie Trailer)
Guided Chakra Meditation