In “How to Give Performance Feedback to Team Members” I share how to tackle giving really useful feedback – positive and negative - to others on their performance that they will appreciate and that will help them improve what they do.

 Giving performance feedback to employees can be hard to do. If feedback is negative, we are worried about offending the other person, creating resentment, ruining relationships, and making our own lives harder at work. When we are giving positive feedback, how to we make the feedback useful further improve performance or behaviours.

 Giving feedback and constructive feedback is essential to help our colleagues and team members improve what they do. It is also essential for managers and leaders to receive employee feedback to help them improve their performance too. 

 Practicing giving feedback will improve how you deliver feedback. Start with giving positive feedback. Don’t just say “you have done a good job”, practice breaking down why they have done a good job and be specific in your feedback so that the other person understand exactly why you are giving positive feedback. 

 When you are more confident giving positive feedback, you will feel more confident having the more difficult conversations at work. No-one enjoys these conversations no matter how experienced they are, yet if you want performance to improve, you need to provide a balance of positive feedback and negative feedback. 

 With practice you learn how to give feedback and increase your confidence in doing so. I think you should always approach giving feedback with the other person’s development at heart and be honest with your feedback. 

 And lastly, research has shown that to keep an team member happy, you need to give positive feedback three times as much as negative feedback.

 “How to Give Performance Feedback to Team Members” is written to help managers giving feedback to employees and can be used by anyone to improve the feedback that they give.