Getting your first management or team supervision role is very exciting and a little scary. Firstly congratulations and welcome to your new career of managing people. 

 In 8 Tips for New Managers I share 8 very useful tips for those new in the manager role. We all have a preconceived image of what a manager should be like and when we start, we want to do a good job. The pressure is on yet we should remember to just be ourselves and not be someone we are not. If I had to chose tips for new managers, this would be the most important.

 The next of my new manager tips when starting at a new job is to get to know your team. Your key job is helping others do their best and to do this you must get to know them on a personal level.

 The next of new manager tips is to remember you are a boss not a friend. This is a hard transition, particularly if you are now managing your old peer group. Without some emotional distance, people management is a lot harder in my view.

 These tips for new managers and supervisors give you a lot of points on how to understand what is now expected on you and also how to set expectations of those you manage. Being in the middle is hard work.

 I am a huge believer in developing my teams and I think it is very important step in how to be a great manager. This takes time, effort and thought on the part of the manager yet is paid back many times over at a personal and team level. 

 It is just as important in terms of developing your people management skills that you keep learning and developing as a manager. You really need to practice what you learn as often as you can to get better.

 Enjoy 8 Tips for New Managers and enjoy managing your team!