This book is a classic, and I have been recommending it to my students’ families for years. The author makes a strong case for musical training and daily practice for all kids, even if they are not one of the rare kids who enjoy practicing. Gently but firmly implementing daily practice time for your child will provide musical rewards they can enjoy for a lifetime (not to mention the many life skills learned through music lessons, including problem solving, discipline, increased focus, creativity, patience, and perseverance). Regardless of whether music is eventually entered as a profession, the ability to make great music is a priceless gift your child can turn to for release, enjoyment, service, or challenge at any time in their future. This book provides suggestions, tools, and strategies for establishing successful practice habits.

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This book is a classic, and I have been recommending it to my students’ families for years. The author makes a strong case for musical training and daily practice for all kids, even if they are not one of the rare kids who enjoy practicing. Gently but firmly implementing daily practice time for your child will provide musical rewards they can enjoy for a lifetime (not to mention the many life skills learned through music lessons, including problem solving, discipline, increased focus, creativity, patience, and perseverance). Regardless of whether music is eventually entered as a profession, the ability to make great music is a priceless gift your child can turn to for release, enjoyment, service, or challenge at any time in their future. This book provides suggestions, tools, and strategies for establishing successful practice habits.

Links and notes related to this episode can be found at   Facebook Page Instagram LinkedIn