“...[S]uccessful movements to advance civil rights for historically marginalized groups relied not just on political action.  Music, culture, art, television, churches, neighborhood groups, and volunteer organizations have played instrumental parts in bringing about change.” – Beth Holland and Sarah Silvers, “I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening)” One thing I like about this quote is it captures the reality that there is not just one answer or just one route to progress; there are many, and they are all important. Another thing I like about the quote is it helps break down an overwhelming situation into a more manageable question of, “What can I do, right now?” Obviously, this podcast is all about music, and its effect on our lives. And we’re talking today about what role music can play in advancing social justice.

Links and notes related to this episode can be found at https://mpetersonmusic.com/podcast/episode47   Facebook Page Instagram LinkedIn Twitter

“...[S]uccessful movements to advance civil rights for historically marginalized groups relied not just on political action.  Music, culture, art, television, churches, neighborhood groups, and volunteer organizations have played instrumental parts in bringing about change.” – Beth Holland and Sarah Silvers, “I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening)” One thing I like about this quote is it captures the reality that there is not just one answer or just one route to progress; there are many, and they are all important. Another thing I like about the quote is it helps break down an overwhelming situation into a more manageable question of, “What can I do, right now?” Obviously, this podcast is all about music, and its effect on our lives. And we’re talking today about what role music can play in advancing social justice.

Links and notes related to this episode can be found at https://mpetersonmusic.com/podcast/episode47   Facebook Page Instagram LinkedIn Twitter

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