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Next-Opening from Chaz Wright on Vimeo

This is the opening to the movie "Next" that my students and I made for our school festival. We wrote, shot, subtitled, and edited the movie in 5 days. The running time of the movie is 18 minutes. I will be putting the entire movie up later.

This was a big challenge because we only had 5 days to shoot after school, my students aren't actors and are learning English, we had to change our story and rewrite it as we went along because of bad weather, and I was using a HDSLR, Canon 60D, for the first time. Pulling focus was a big learning curve for me.

We all had a great time making our movie and I'm very proud of my students.

Mahalo to Moby Gratis for the music
Mistake (David Rossi Re-Work Instrumental)

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