Previous Episode: #146: Diego Maradona

_"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"_

Tax might not sound interesting or exciting to most people, but it affects all of us.

In this episode, we explore what paying taxes actually means, and how it affects our relationship with the government and society.

And we'll do all of this through the story of two pen-pals, Arlette from Paris, France, and John from Austin, Texas.

Full transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary available on the website:

"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"

Tax might not sound interesting or exciting to most people, but it affects all of us.

In this episode, we explore what paying taxes actually means, and how it affects our relationship with the government and society.

And we'll do all of this through the story of two pen-pals, Arlette from Paris, France, and John from Austin, Texas.

A very brief history of tax
Focussing on income tax
Example #1: John in Austin, Texas
Example #2: Arlette in Paris, France
The real cost of employing someone in France
What lower/higher taxes mean in terms of government expectations
Texas winter storm in 2021
The social safety net in France
The Gilet Jaunes
Thomas Piketty & the idea of a wealth tax

Full transcript, subtitles and key vocabulary available on the website: