It's the most populous bird in the world, outnumbering humans 3:1.

Today we are asking ourselves how an obscure bird from South East Asia went from jungle floor to being eaten at a rate of two every millisecond.

Full transcript, key vocabulary, and bonus episodes available on

It's the most populous bird in the world, outnumbering humans 3:1.

Today we are asking ourselves how an obscure bird from South East Asia went from jungle floor to being eaten at a rate of two every millisecond.

In today's episode we cover:

🐔 How many chickens do we really eat?
🌎 Where do chickens come from?
🚗 Why were chickens so easy to transport?
🐣Chickens in ancient Egypt
🇮🇹 The Romans and chickens
👩‍🌾 Industrialised chicken farming
📊 Chickens vs. pork & beef
🍽 Chicken dishes around the world
👀 Life now for the ancestor of the chicken
🐥 My chickens

Key vocabulary: Humble, Roots, Outnumbering, Obscure, Wandering, Shoveled, Industrialisation, Asserted, Ancestor, Foraging, Predators, Branches, Bred, Remains, Grain, Lay, Fate, Sealed, Artificial, Incubation, Hatch, Delicacy, Fatten up, Wheat, Fell out of favour, Tended, Guinea fowl, Era, Antibiotics, Raised, Habitat, Antibiotics, Confined, Slaughtered, Consumption, Moral, Protein, Reflective, Affordability, Ubiquitous, Bland, Sheer, Wiped out, Erased, Puzzled, Retreat, Draws in, Twist of fate, Habitat, Eroded, Patch

Full transcript and key vocabulary available on the website

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