In 1963 a criminal gang managed to stop a Royal Mail train, steal £2 million pounds in cash (£55 million in today's money), and escape. It took them just 15 minutes.

Today we tell the story of this infamous robbery, and the hunt to find the men who did it.

The train carrying all the moneyWhy was it carrying so much money?The story of the robberyThe hunt for the suspectsThe discovery of the farmThe Monopoly piece and the fingerprintsThe arrest of the suspectsWho were the robbers?The escape from jailRonnie Biggs in BrazilThe victim of the robberyThe Great Train Robbery in popular culture

Key vocabulary: Robbery, Equivalent, Thefts, Miss a trick, Fantastic, Royal Mail, Cash, Whole load, Circulation, Grabbed, Harsh, Tied up, Carriage, Detach, Track, Rear, Routine, Gang, Robbers, Overpowered, Embankment, Accomplices, Fellow, Getaway, A matter of, Thieves, Alerted, On the hunt for, Robbery, Squad, Underground, Associates, Infamous, Tip-off, Coming and going, Abnormal, Deserted, Be onto something, Wipe sth down, Fingerprints, Clues, Track down, Tracking, Consisted, Motley crew, Threaten, The muscle, Man inside, Get away with something, Passed away, Sentence, Most certainly, Escapee, Fled, Plastic surgery, Extradition, Treaty, Deport, Tried, Caipirinhas, Deteriorated, Longed to, CommittedServe, Compassionate, Grounds, Romanticised, Victim, Iron bar, Severe, Victimless, Theft, Eclipsed, Pop culture, Lyrics, Manhunt, Inspire

Full transcript and key vocabulary available on the website


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