Re-introducing episode 33 - originally published 17.10.2020 - with Anna Royon Weigelt - as the penultimate episode of season 3.

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We look at what I like to call cultural fluidity. We converse with the rather daring idea – of accepting the different personalities (so to speak) that constitute the whole person in all of us and about recognising all of them – individually – perhaps as its own unique asset.

A particularly rich conversation – that captures the essence of insight shared – between friends dear I say – all in keeping with the free authentic spirit of independent Podcasting.

This Episode of the English Coach Podcast - like all the rest takes my usual relaxed accessible human approach – to your learning experience.

So what’s in it for you?!

Myths – around using a shared language and examples of where in real life – things can in fact go wrong as a result of larger cultural differences. We explore specific instances – of using something that is usually seen as an uncomfortable challenge, instead as an opportunity to improve, an opportunity not only to inform but to also to communicate – and get what YOU want. We agree that awareness of all these factors could go on to reduce the stresses of remote work. See shownotes for more


The inclusiveness of the whole show is in and of itself activist - affirmative - unpretentious - independent - empowering.