What is the difference between a good debt and a bad debt? How can you consider debt as good or bad?

For today’s episode, we crack the code surrounding debt. I no longer emotionally struggle with the temptation to pay off good debt and wanted to share my epiphany with you!

Ken Greene transitioned from being a Professional Engineer (P.E.) to the “Engineer of Finance.” His goal is to help people become financially independent and help them earn better yields with less risk by investing Off Wall Street.

Links and Resources from this Episode

DISCLAIMER For resources and additional information of this episode go to http://engineeroffinance.com Connect with Ken Greene http://engineeroffinance.com Office 775-624-8839 https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-greene https://business.facebook.com/GreeneFinance  

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Show Notes

What happens once you understand the spread from a financial perspective and when the interest rates are in your favor How it feels to be in huge debt Ken’s epiphany about debt How banks make money Why banks are the most profitable industry in the world

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